Building and Sustaining a Powerful Conscious Therapeutic Alliance:
The Six Triangles Framework
Conference Description
A common pitfall in therapy is neglecting key aspects of the Conscious Therapeutic Alliance, often leading to disconnection and an ineffective therapeutic process. Therapists may rush ahead, leaving patients behind and compromising outcomes. To address this challenge, Michelle M. May, LPC, developed the Six Triangles of the Conscious Therapeutic Alliance, a practical framework designed to empower clinicians in creating and maintaining strong therapeutic connections.
This session will begin with a brief overview of the Triangle of Conflict, setting the stage for a deeper dive into the Six Triangles framework. Michelle will provide clear, actionable strategies for recognizing and overcoming barriers to successful treatment. Through the presentation of two case studies, attendees will see how the Six Triangles can be applied in real-world clinical practice, enhancing their ability to foster meaningful and effective therapeutic alliances.
Presenter Biography
Michelle M. May, LPC, is the chair of the Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) Core Training program at the New Washington School of Psychiatry in Washington, DC.
She is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in intensive dynamic therapy with a private practice for adult individuals and couples in Arlington, Virginia, and Washington, DC. She is a Certified Teacher and Supervisor by the International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association (IEDTA) and a board-approved supervisor with the state of Virginia. She is a sought-after teacher and supervisor, specifically focusing on presenting to practices and supervising licensed clinicians with an interest in intensive dynamic therapies.
Michelle is also the author of the new book, What I Couldn’t Tell My Therapist.
Michelle is passionate about educating professionals and the public about intensive dynamic therapy and provides trainings to health practices, organizations, and universities seeking to learn about mental health and intensive dynamic therapies.
Course Specifics
3 CEs. (Partial CEs are not available. While MDs can attend, CEs are not available for MDs.)
Regular with CEs: $150
Students with CEs: $125
Regular without CEs: $100
Students without CEs: $75
Saturday, March 15 Australia 9am-12:30pm AEDT (Friday, March 14 US 5pm-8:30pm EDT)
Target Audience
Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, MFTs, Psychiatrists, Nurses
Course Content Level
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced
Learning Objectives
Describe the Triangle of Conflict and its role in symptoms creation.
List the Six Triangles of the Conscious Therapeutic Alliance and their key components.
Explain how to apply the Six Triangles framework to identify and address barriers to effective treatment.
Introduction to the Triangle of Conflict (15 minutes)
Introduction to the Six Triangles of the Conscious Therapeutic Alliance (45 minutes)
Video Case Studies: Developing the Conscious Therapeutic Alliance – Part 1 (45 minutes)
Break (15 minutes)
Video Case Studies: Developing the Conscious Therapeutic Alliance – Part 2 (1 hour)
Q&A Session and Closing Remarks (15 minutes)
You need to be a student, pre-licensed professional (resident), or licensed medical or mental health professional to attend.
Yes. 3 CEs are available. If you are a medical professional, unfortunately you can’t receive these CEs.
This will be an online training via Zoom.
No. Due to sharing video tapes of session content, only health professionals-in-training or health professionals can join.
Yes. Please let Michelle know of your interest.
Additional Information
Conflicts of Interest: There is no known commercial interest or conflict of interest for this program.
Cancellation Policy: If for any reason you need to cancel, please contact me so we can work together to determine a resolution.
Grievance Policy: We seek to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances fairly. Please email me with your written grievance. Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action to prevent further problems.
ADA Needs: If you have any special requests, please email Michelle at
CE and Commercial Support: Michelle M. May, LPC, LLC nor CUE Management Solutions, LLC does not have a relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies or other potentially biasing relationships to disclose to learners.
Continuing Education: CUE Management Solutions, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. CUE Management Solutions, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
CUE Management Solutions, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0242.